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Do you need to know?
If you are a business owner, or personally responsible for the operation data in your business, you will need to know that backups are being made.
If you are in a position where you bear responsibility for the continued operational activities of your business, and need to ensure continuity in the event of possible data loss, you need to know.
You need to know that backups are made and that your data is safe.
Email Notifications
With each backup made, MrBackup sends and automated, customized email notification to the responsible users on that account.
Each backup generates its own notification.
Each recipient gets their own email.
Each email contains verifiable information concerning the relevant backup.
No email, no backup
In the event that you have not received an email, it means that the MrBackup server has not received your data.
Open you inbox and check the last email notification received.
Need to be notified?
The MrBackup notification service is included in the standard features of the service. In you need to be added to the notification list, please contact your agent to have your email added to the profile.