vaulting, is the strategy of sending critical data out of the main location

Written by  on April 18, 2014 

In computing, off-site data protection, or vaulting, is the strategy of sending critical data out of the main location (off the main site) as part of a disaster recovery plan. 

MrBackup is the ideal solution small business requiring fast, reliable, hot, off-site data storage. Our solution requires broadband Internet connectivity for the duration of the backup process, but does not involve any form of mirroring and the backup is only available on demand, so can not be described as being ‘on-line.’ As such our multiple version data storage model allows for the rapid recovery of any unique version of client data from our electronic vault. Secure remote data storage, electronic vaulting, is a critical aspect of increased disaster recovery potential. 
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Category : backupDataRemote

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